Real-time RT–PCR is a nuclear-derived method for detecting the presence of specific genetic material in any pathogen, including a virus. Originally, the method used radioactive isotope markers to detect targeted genetic materials, but subsequent refining has led to the replacement of isotopic labeling with special markers, most frequently fluorescent dyes. This technique allows scientists to see the results almost immediately while the process is still ongoing, whereas conventional RT–PCR only provides results at the end of the process. Real-time RT–PCR is one of the most widely used laboratory methods for detecting the COVID-19 virus. While many countries have used real-time RT–PCR for diagnosing other diseases, such as the Ebola virus and Zika virus, many need support in adapting this method for the COVID-19 virus, as well as in increasing their national testing capacities. In order for a virus like the COVID-19 virus to be detected early in the body using real-time RT–PCR, scientists need to convert the RNA to DNA. This is a process called ‘reverse transcription. They do this because only DNA can be copied — or amplified — which is a key part of the real-time RT–PCR process for detecting viruses. Dr. Lal Path Labs is an emerging laboratory aimed at ensuring quality and reliability with good international standards providing the RT–PCR at the best facility

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RT PCR Test in Noida Sector 79

RT PCR Test in Noida

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RT PCR Test in Noida Sector 81.

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