H1N1 Test

The H1N1 flu, also known as swine flu, is caused primarily by the H1N1 strain of influenza (flu) virus. H1N1 influenza A virus is one of several flu virus strains that can cause seasonal flu. The H1N1 flu has the same symptoms as the seasonal flu. Your doctor will perform a physical exam, look for signs and symptoms of influenza, including H1N1 flu (swine flu), and may order an influenza virus detection test. There are several tests available to diagnose influenza, but not everyone who has it should be tested. Based on your signs and symptoms, your doctor may diagnose you with influenza. Knowing that someone has the flu does not usually alter the treatment plan.

  • H1N1 Test in Noida Sector 79
  • H1N1 Test Clinic in Noida Sector 79
  • H1N1 Test in Centre Noida Sector 79

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